Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Bodyhealth products from USA at FX Supplements for high-performance athletes

High-performance athletes trust the products at by Dr David Minkoff of BodyHealth. Our all-natural supplements nourish the bodies, speed recovery, and fuel exceptional athletic achievements. Triathletes, marathon runners, mma fighters, GAA, Ruby, Football, track and field athletes, cyclists, bodybuilders, and active individuals are always trying to maximize performance and optimize recovery. We chose to stock BodyHealth’s wide selection of nutrient-rich supplements which are specially formulated to deliver optimal results to help athletes achieve greatness and hit personal records.

All the fitness products are formulated to strengthen, build, revive, repair, and detox. Our products help you train harder, perform better, and recover faster. With innovative formulations, pure ingredients, and a commitment to quality, you can feel good about supplementing your training and fueling your body with these BodyHealth supplements exclusively available at FX from world renowned Dr David Minkoff who is continually developing and launching new doctor-formulated products to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

At FX we are qualified nutritionists and members of mNTOI (Nutritional Therapists Of Ireland) and have vast experience dealing with athletes of all catagories from age groupers right up to elite international gold medal winners.

Don’t hesitate to email us at if you o your team or club have a information or product requirement that we can help you with.

FX Supplements Brand Ambassador 5 Time World Silver Medalist Cathy Mc Court 


Dr. Minkoff graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1974 and was elected to the “Phi Beta Kappa” of medical schools, the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Fraternity for very high academic achievement. He then worked as an attending physician in infectious disease, co-directed a neo-natal intensive care unit and worked in emergency medicine until 1995.

In 1997, his interest in alternative and complementary medicine led him to open LifeWorks Wellness Center, which has become one of the foremost alternative medicine clinics in the U.S. His search to find a source of the highest quality nutritional supplements led him to establish BodyHealth in 2000, a resource that could provide doctors with the best possible supplementation and education for their patients. Today, the BodyHealth products are used by hundreds of practitioners and individual consumers who seek all-natural supplements with a demonstrated high level of quality and effectiveness.

In addition to their use by patients looking to heal disease, the BodyHealth products are also used by sports enthusiasts interested in achieving and maintaining optimal performance. As a 42-time Ironman triathlon finisher, (including 8 appearances at the Ironman World Championships) Dr. Minkoff has first-hand experience to help athletes achieve optimum conditioning. His expertise in protein synthesis, detoxification, and nutrition allow them to run, swim, and bike faster and longer.

We guarantee the highest quality products here at FX Supplements. If you have any specific questions about any of our products please send us an email. Thanks for visiting…



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Monday, 12 February 2018

NDS Probiotics Why we see this brand as superior to others?

Probiotics play a role, not just in the intestine, but in overall health, including blood sugar and regulation of inflammation. In addition, possible prevention of heart disease, osteoporosis and minimising harmful intestinal flora associated with increased risk of colon cancer. Probiotics should form part of an integrated functional medicine care model for all health problems involving the interaction between the intestine, energy metabolism in muscles, liver and adipose tissue and our skin.

1- First off they are one of the only companies who source their strains in Japan (these are known as a superior form of strains)

2-Powder form that requires reactivation before consuming- As with the vast majority of probiotics they undergo a freeze dry process in order to remove the moisture to prolong their shelf- life, therefore they are pulverised in this process and although it may increase their shelf life they are practically dead in this format. Taking these in capsule form really has little benefit. NDS probiotics require activation in lukewarm water or 15 minutes prior to taking, this process allows the strains to reabsorb water that is vital if we want them to travel the entire digestive tract. This is a major reason why they can achieve such great results.

3- They are produced using a unique method known as ‘BioActive Technology‘ which in basic terms is using a complex of enzymes and some minerals as an electrolyte base for the main function of osmotic influence across the gut wall, therefore increasing the capability of strains residing in the gut and reducing the passive transfer through the gut.

4- NDS do not have just one probiotic product- Their belief is that ‘lumping’ a number of different strains into one tub and believing that it will be beneficial to every individual with every illness is complete nonsense. NDS have a range of 9 different probiotic formulas that are based on research and scientific evidence carried out within Universities and hospitals across Scandinavia and Denmark. A blend for crohns disease for example is not what someone with chronic constipation or diarrhoea will require.

5- A major reason why they also don’t put different types of strains into blends is because from their research while producing these blends is that certain strains of probiotic will actually start to consume others and are pointless, both clinically and financially in a blend. Lactobacillus Rhamanosus is one particular strain that they have found consumes many others.

6- They also do not require refrigeration due to the specific manufacturing which is always great from a storage and client perspective.

7-  The manufacturer of NDS Probiotics has appointed a team of researchers, product developers, laboratory technicians and physicians who work with medical doctors and other medical professionals around the world within a University and hospital environment carrying our research on each blend.

8- They have also just released a new skin product for anti ageing purposes that has studies and the results to match, Skin Active is a range of probiotics, nutrients for optimum skin but also different types of collagen peptides and they are further developing two new products which will be released next year for degenerative illnesses including rheumatoid arthritis, osteo etc which are massively on the increase. Again no product is rushed to market, the skin product has been in production for the past couple of years and only now been released with the science, evidence and results to match.

If you have a specific issue or have a query which probiotic may be most beneficial to you please email

Yours in health, 
Functional Supplements Ireland 

We supply a full range of superior, evidenced based supplements to clients and practitioners across Ireland & UK. Our range of supplements are sourced from some of the most researched and ethical companies on the globe.

If you care about what you put in your body, you’ve come to the right on-line store.

Get Free Shipping on all orders over €45 in Ireland. Delivery in Ireland is usually 48hrs but please allow up to five working days and deliveries may come in seperate shipments.

You will always get the very best supplements available across the globe when you shop at



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Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Lets talk poor hydration, the nemesis of endurance athletes by FX

An excessive loss of fluid (Dehydration) impairs performance and has adverse effects on overall health as blood volume decreases and body temperature rises which places extra demand on heart, lungs and the circulatory system. This simply means that the heart has to work much harder to pump blood around the body. This extra strain on the body and organ reserve means your body is working harder to maintain normal function and therefore performance drops, as does the ability to recover adequately. It therefore takes longer to get back to your pre exercise state. This in turn will not only effect that workout but your upcoming session as your cells rely on water for proper metabolism, dehydration can severely inhibit and slow down the recovery process.

A certain level of dehydrated is inevitable during intense physical activity or extended endurance type activity, but excessive dehydration will;

At a loss of just 2% will affect you ability to exercise and your maximal aerobic capacity may fall by 10-20%.

At 5% aerobic capacity it will decrease by 30% and may cause dizziness

At an 8% drop may cause dizziness and laboured breathing and then the inevitable bonk/wall.

So with this said, it’s easy to see what the benefits and potential gains are to the athlete in maintaining an optimum state of hydration

Assessing an individual’s specific water and electrolyte loss with science.

Sweat rates and electrolyte losses vary dramatically between individuals, (up to 15 fold in fact). So there really is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to hydration for athletes and sports people. Ironically the more dehydrated you are the less your body is able to sweat due to smaller blood volume due to excessive loss of fluid. Blood flow to the skin is reduced causing a rise in body temperature.

But forcing down large amounts of fluid even if you really don’t feel like it is not going to help and it can even be dangerous.

What we advise following training and expert advise Ironman George Sherwood and testing one of our nutritionists here at FX 

You must firstly have a standard level of hydration on an average day and adapt this on training and non-training days, in hot and cold temperatures. If you, like me are an athlete or individual that struggles to stay hydrated even while drinking lots of H20 or you find that you need to urinate quite quickly after consumption of water (Bring the hormone cortisol down & don’t sweat the small stuff, excuse the pun.) then begin to understand you body a little better and identify what activities dehydrate you and be better prepared.

The simple model I use for my athletes or weight loss clients looking to improve lean body mass who have a problem with chronic sub optimum hydration levels (Whereby body fat is just stuck) is to go and have a one off advanced sweat test and find out what exact electrolytes you lose.

You can also go on-line and do a free sweat test and it will tell you exactly what type and strength of electrolyte you may benefit from. Once you have a better idea of needs and you see hydration levels come up you can apply the following principal.

On non training days add Himalayan pink salt (1/4 teaspoon to 1.5 lts of H20 As long as you don’t have excessively high blood pressure) to your water and on training days or hot weather I recommend “Precision Hydration” electrolyte as the science stacks up for me and I like the whole reporting structure and the more targeted and individualised approach to hydrating to optimal levels. This I have done myself as anything I recommend I will have done and the science will be there.

As always the better you understand your body and biochemistry the better your performances are going to be.


I got immediate and noticeable improvements in concentration levels which led to better decision making with no more drops in performance due to dehydration. Cramping was a thing of the past and more than anything precision hydration just ticked the hydration box to let me look to other areas for gains and improvements to my Ironman performances. This is why I began to look at testing myself!!

George Sherwood Ironman – After the 70.3 Ironman World Championships Chattanooga Tennessee USA 2017




Precision Hydration

Himalayan Pink Salt

Fee Sweat Test (less accurate but useful)

Full sweat Test Analysis – Call George Sherwood (Pictured Here) 086 2585895 and reff this article for discount

Yours in health, 
Functional Supplements Ireland 




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Monday, 5 February 2018

Boosting fat burning with “Carnitine” Journal Of Physiology

Understanding the regulation of fuel utilization has been a topic of great interest and has practical implications to athletic performance and to prevention of pathophysiological metabolic conditions. The balance between carbohydrates (CHO) and lipids is regulated by a complex system with multi-site feedback and feedforward control as well as interaction between the pathways. Carnitine has a crucial role in lipid oxidation by mediating the translocation of long-chained fatty acids into mitochondria. During the past 30 years, dietary supplementation with carnitine has been widely used in order to enhance lipid oxidation and increase exercise performance. The evidence for an ergogenic effect of carnitine is, however, limited and most studies show no effect of carnitine supplementation on lipid oxidation. This is hardly unexpected since there is hitherto no evidence that muscle carnitine content can be increased by carnitine feeding in healthy men.

In a recent issue of The Journal of Physiology, Wall and colleagues were able to show for the first time that muscle carnitine can be increased in healthy men by dietary carnitine supplementation (Wall et al. 2011). The same research group led by Paul Greenhaff has shown in a previous study that 6 h intravenous infusion with a combination of carnitine and insulin elevated muscle carnitine by 13% (Stephens et al. 2006). The mechanism is probably related to stimulation by insulin of the Na+-coupled transmembrane carnitine transport and is the theoretical foundation for the present study, where carnitine feeding was combined with CHO. Three months of dietary supplementation with a combination of carnitine and CHO had no effect, but after 6 months muscle carnitine content increased by 21%. The necessity of using a very long supplementation period demonstrates the difficulties involved and explains the failure of previous studies with shorter intervention periods.

In this work, they have not only shown increased muscle carnitine but also that this alters muscle metabolism during exercise. Firstly, during low-intensity exercise (50%An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is tjp0589-1509-mu1.jpg) carnitine supplementation resulted in reduced glycogen utilization and reduced activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC). PDC is a main control point of CHO oxidation and has a complex mode of control including feedback inhibition by the products acetyl-CoA and NADH (Fig. 1). The investigators suggest that the reduced PDC activity is due to a carnitine-mediated increase in lipid-derived acetyl-CoA. Although this explanation is consistent with theoretical models (Randle et al. 1963) the current data give limited experimental support in that the acetyl-carnitine/carnitine ratio, which reflects the acetyl-CoA/CoA ratio, was lower after carnitine supplementation. The carnitine-induced sparing of muscle glycogen is an important finding and is consistent with an increased lipid oxidation. However, an obvious limitation of this study is that there are no measurements of lipid oxidation, which should have been one of the primary outcomes.

Another finding in this work, was that at high-intensity exercise (80%An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is tjp0589-1509-mu2.jpg) muscle lactate was reduced after carnitine supplementation. Simultaneously PDC activity was increased, i.e. opposite to that observed during low-intensity exercise. The increased PDC activity was explained by the role of carnitine in buffering acetyl-groups giving rise to reduced levels of the PDC inhibitor acetyl-CoA. The lower muscle lactate after carnitine supplementation suggests a better matching between glycolytic flux and CHO oxidation.

Carnitine supplementation also had an ergogenic effect and was shown to increase work output by 11% in a performance trial with a fixed duration of 30 min. The ergogenic effect was explained by the dual role of carnitine – glycogen sparing at low intensities and reduced muscle lactate accumulation at high intensities.

This well controlled study by Wall et al. 2011, has broad implications. An important and robust finding is that muscle carnitine can be increased by dietary means in subjects without carnitine deficiencies and that this has a clear influence on muscle metabolism and performance. The results may have significant implications for athletic performance but the requirements of long-term treatment will most likely restrict the use of carnitine as an ergogenic aid. The results may also have some clinical importance in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases, which are related to a deteriorated lipid metabolism. It may be anticipated that further work on this subject will determine whether carnitine can specifically enhance lipid oxidation.


  • Randle PJ, Garland PB, Hales CN, Newsholme EA. Lancet. 1963;1:785–789. [PubMed]
  • Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Laithwaite D, Simpson EJ, Greenhaff PL. FASEB J. 2006;20:377–379. [PubMed]
  • Wall BT, Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D, Marimuthu K, Macdonald IA, Greenhaff PL. J Physiol. 2011;589:963–973. [PMC free article] [PubMed]

Articles from The Journal of Physiology are provided here courtesy of The Physiological Society

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